about about

The kuldevi of the kadva patidar community is Shri Maa Umiya, the supreme mother Goddess of the cosmos. As the mother Goddess, Maa Umiya is credited with creating this cosmos. She has only had three incarnations: Maa Saraswati, Maa Lakshmi, and Maa Kali. The divine has assumed a variety of forms and Swarups to destroy the wicked and safeguard the devout whenever they have reared their ugly heads.Maa Umiya is the only one who can bestow strength and divinity; she is the source of all strength in the earth.


Umiyadham wants to be a stronghold for the Patidar community in Tennessee and its members throughout the world and in other areas of society.
It will assist its followers in overcoming both social and economic obstacles in life.


This empowerment hub’s goal is to inspire a spirit of dedication among everyone in our neighborhood. The foundation seeks to uphold honor and integrity on a national level with the help of Goddess Umiya, and longs to be strong enough to do charity activities all throughout.


To empower, integrate, and set up the Kadva Patidar community.
To conduct business in a moral and open manner.
To be tenacious, dependable, and devoted.
A society’s welfare influences the welfare of the country.

Pillars of Umiyadham

Our team members dedicate a lot of effort to make sure we are accomplishing our objectives and having a good impact because they are passionate about our mission. They come from different backgrounds and occupations, but they all have a dedication to improving the community in which they live.

We appreciate the effort, commitment, and knowledge of our committee members. Together, we are accomplishing our objective and changing things for the better.

Committee of Umiyadham 2023-24

Our team members dedicate a lot of effort to make sure we are accomplishing our objectives and having a good impact because they are passionate about our mission. They come from different backgrounds and occupations, but they all have a dedication to improving the community in which they live.

We appreciate the effort, commitment, and knowledge of our committee members. Together, we are accomplishing our objective and changing things for the better.


Hindu Festivals

ICON-05 (2)
Makar Sakranti
ICON-06 (1)
Maha Shivratri
ICON-08 (1)
Ram Navmi
ICON-07 (1)
ICON-02 (1)
Ganesh Chaturthi
ICON-01 (3)
ICON-03 (1)

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